Tag: digital

Fairy | Digital Illustration

I had just gotten off work, and I was laying on top of my bed, staring at the ceiling, and this image just…suddenly popped into my head. So…

Pink Unicorn | Digital Illustration

I’ve…kind of been facing a bad case of art block for…well, I guess the past month.  It’s been rough.  The idea of drawing anything has been hard, and…

“I Must Go” | Digital Illustration

I realized that my current process for drawing involves basically layering—I don’t do a whole lot of erasing, generally, but just keep drawing on top of what’s already…

Commission: “Adara” | Digital Illustration

Recently, a friend reached out to me, requesting a commission of a character of hers. The character is basically a fire elemental, hence the red skin. This was…

“Burning Book” | Digital Illustration | Redraw

Someone challenged me to redraw an old illustration of mine from back in 2016, and so I did. This is the end result. I was a bit nervous…

“Caught” | Digital Illustration

This drawing actually started out of desperation. I was participating in an art show and needed some prints, and I was feeling unsatisfied with the older artwork I…

“The Masquerade” | Digital Illustration

This drawing is fun for me to look at, simply because I know how many sketches I went through before I got this pose to work the way…